how 2 meditate :)


what is meditation and why should i care?

Meditation is like hacking the developer console of your mind, establishing your senses in a centre of awareness where you can watch your thoughts without reaction and find a stillness that allows for clarity and insight, increasing attention span and refreshing the headspace.

Contrary to popular belief, meditation is not a strictly religious practice. We have learnt to meditate across all of history and around the world in different cultures, and sometimes we tap into the meditative state without knowing it!

Ultimately, it is about being able to notice your mind wandering, even better if you notice that it happens a lot - “If you talk about meditation in terms of success or failure, you’re misunderstanding what meditation is”.

ok here's a basic step by step guide

Sit in a comfortable position. It doesn’t have to be a full lotus, so long as it doesn’t feel tight, especially your spine and legs. Close your eyes. Try to keep them slightly open, half-closed, also not too tight. When ready, take a deep cleansing breath and relax all tensions.

When you're ready, do the following:

  1. Breathe naturally - don’t force it and let it be. Watch repeatedly as it enters the nostrils, then the chest, then the stomach, and then back out again.
  2. With the breath in awareness, mentally note “rising” on the inhale, and “falling” on the exhale, absorbing yourself in the breath. Rest in the natural gap that happens between the inhale and exhale states.
  3. When the mind wanders, simply draw attention back to the breath. Please allow your mind to ruminate, and remain observant, so long as you keep coming back to awareness. This will train the mind as you practise.
  4. If you’re feeling agitated, take a few more deep cleansing breaths. If you need to physically adjust, do so mindfully. See it as it is, and let go.

If you enjoy visualisation, try to picture the breath as an energy that flows through your body. Visualise its colour, how it moves in a trail in sync with the breath, how it may spread outward as you exhale, and then concentrate back in as you inhale.


Alternative methods

Everyone has the ability to meditate, whether you are of ordinary mind or very, very neurodivergent. Let ie be known that meditation is not restricted to the above method, so here are some techniques to help with stimulating you into the meditative state: